peter jarvis

School of Mathematics and Physics
University of Tasmania
ph: +61 3 6226 2425
fax: +61 3 6226 2410
email: Peter.Jarvis@utas.edu.au
My research includes spacetime and quantisation (super)symmetries, representations of Lie algebras and superalgebras for physics, quadratic algebras and superalgebras, symmetric functions and Hopf algebras in combinatorics and quantum field theory, stochastic phylogenetic-branching models, quantum entanglement and group theoretical foundations, and integrable systems and applications to quantum many body models.
- JG Sumner, B Holland and PD Jarvis, "The alegbra of phylogenetic split networks", (in preparation).
- JG Sumner and PD Jarvis, "Markov invariants and the isotropy subgroup of a quartet tree", J. Theor. Biol., 258:302-310, 2009.
- JG Sumner, MA Charleston, LS Jermiin and PD Jarvis, "Markov invariants, plethyms and phylogenetics", J. Theor. Biol., 253:601-615, 2008.
- JG Sumner and PD Jarvis, "Using the tangle: A consistent construction of phylogenetic distance matrices", Mathematical Biosciences, 204:49-67, 2006.
- PD Jarvis, JD Bashford and JG Sumner, "Path integral formulation and Feynman rules for phylogenetic branching models". J. Phys. A., 38:9621-9647, 2005.
- JG Sumner and PD Jarvis, "Entanglement invariants and phylogenetic branching". J. Math. Biol., 51:18-36, 2005.
- JD Bashford, MA Steel, JG Sumner and PD Jarvis, "U(1)xU(1)xU(1) symmetry of the Kimura 3ST model and phylogenetic branching processes". J. Phys. A, 37:L1-L9, 2004.
Bertfried Fauser, P D Jarvis, Ron C King and Brian G Wybourne
\textit{New branching rules induced by plethysm}, J Phys A {39} (2006) 2611-- 2655,
math-ph/0505037, available from IoP Select http://www.iop.org/Select/
J D Bashford and P D Jarvis A base-pairing model of duplex formation. I. Watson-Crick pairing
Biopolymers 78 (2005), 287-297.
P.D. Jarvis, J.W. van Holten, Conformal Fluid Dynamics,
Nuclear Physics B 734 (2006) 272--286
P D Jarvis, J Kijowski, and G Rudolph, On the Structure of the Observable Algebra of QCD on the Lattice,
J Phys A 38(23) (2005) 5359--5377
Bertfried Fauser and P D Jarvis,
The Dirichlet Hopf algebra of arithmetics,
Journal of knot theory and its ramifications {16}4 (2007) 379--438
P D Jarvis and S O Morgan, Born reciprocity and the granularity of space-time,
Foundations of Physics Letters 19 (2006) 501-517
R C King, T A Welsh and P D Jarvis,
The mixed two-qubit system and the structure of its ring of local invariants,
J Phys A {40} (2007) 10083--10108
J D Bashford, P D Jarvis,
Spectroscopy of the genetic code, 43pp, preprint, 2007; in `Quantum Aspects of Life', eds Derek Abbott, Paul Davies and Arun K Pati (Imperial College Press, 2008); see http://eprints.utas.edu.au.
Jan Govaerts, Peter D Jarvis, Stuart O Morgan and Stephen G Low,
World-line quantisation of a reciprocally invariant system, J Phys A {40} (2007) 12095--12111
Last modified Jun2009 by Jeremy Sumner.