jeremy sumner
ARC Research Fellow
School of Mathematics and Physics
University of Tasmania
ph: +61 3 6226 1765
fax: +61 3 6226 2410
email: jsumner@utas.edu.au
My research focuses on applying methods of mathematical physics to phylogenetics.
- Markov invariants and phylogenetic tree reconstruction (ARC Discovery project, Sumner, Jarvis and Jarman).
- J.G. Sumner and P.D. Jarvis, "A tensorial approach to Hadamard-type inversions for arbitrary (abelian) group-based models", in preperation, 2011.
- J.G. Sumner, B. H. Holland and P.D. Jarvis, "A powerful low-parameter method for inferring quartets under the General Markov Model", in prepartion, 2011.
- Jesus Fernandez-Sanchez, Peter Jarvis and Jeremy Sumner, "Lie markov models", submitted, 2011.
- PD Jarvis and JG Sumner, "Markov invariants for phylogenetic rate matrices derived from embedded submodels", accepted pending revision, TCCB, 2011.
- JG Sumner, B Holland and PD Jarvis, "The alegbra of the general Markov model on trees and networks", accepted pending revision, Bull. Math. Biol., 2011.
- JG Sumner and PD Jarvis, "Markov invariants and the isotropy subgroup of a quartet tree", J. Theor. Biol., 258:302-310, 2009.
- JG Sumner and MA Charleston, "Phylogenetic estimation with partial likelihood tensors". J. Theor. Biol, 262:413:424, 2009.
- JG Sumner, MA Charleston, LS Jermiin and PD Jarvis, "Markov invariants, plethyms and phylogenetics", J. Theor. Biol., 253:601-615, 2008.
- JG Sumner and PD Jarvis, "Using the tangle: A consistent construction of phylogenetic distance matrices", Mathematical Biosciences, 204:49-67, 2006.
- PD Jarvis, JD Bashford and JG Sumner, "Path integral formulation and Feynman rules for phylogenetic branching models". J. Phys. A., 38:9621-9647, 2005.
- JG Sumner and PD Jarvis, "Entanglement invariants and phylogenetic branching". J. Math. Biol., 51:18-36, 2005.
- JD Bashford, MA Steel, JG Sumner and PD Jarvis, "U(1)xU(1)xU(1) symmetry of the Kimura 3ST model and phylogenetic branching processes". J. Phys. A, 37:L1-L9, 2004.
You can download pdf's of most of these on arxiv.org.
Last modified Jun2009 by Jeremy Sumner.